Acceptable Use Policy

Last updated: 2025-02-07

This acceptable use policy (“AUP”) outlines the standards for using the Clickaine platform in compliance with laws and regulations, including the EU Digital Services Act (DSA). By accessing or using our services, you agree to these terms to ensure a safe, lawful, and transparent environment. The AUP also sets out the procedures Clickaine must follow as a “hosting intermediary service” (Art. 3 g) of the DSA) with regard to the transparency of its platform and potential illegal content available on the Clickaine platform or served through the Clickaine platform (e.g. the ads served on third-party websites).

Our users or any third party who wish to exercise their rights as per the DSA and contact Clickaine may do so as described in the section “Reporting AUP Violations”, through the following contact details in Czech and English:

 e-mail:
 website:

The aforementioned contact details are also a designated point of contact for state authorities for matters related to the DSA.

General Acceptable Use Policy

Clickaine requires that all users of the platform conduct themselves respectfully and responsibly. You must observe the following rules while using the platform:

  1. Abusive Behavior: Users must not harass, threaten, or defame any person or entity, nor contact individuals who have requested no further contact. Hate speech, including ethnic or religious slurs, is strictly prohibited.
  2. Privacy Violations: Users must not infringe upon others’ privacy, including collecting or disclosing personal information without explicit consent.
  3. Intellectual Property Infringement: Users must not misuse or distribute copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary content without appropriate authorization.
  4. Security Violations: Unauthorized access, hacking, or actions that disrupt or impair the platform’s functionality are forbidden.
  5. Spam and Unsolicited Messaging: Sending bulk unsolicited emails or promoting products via spam is prohibited.
  6. Fraud: Users must not engage in fraudulent transactions or mislead others about the nature of a transaction.
  7. Illegal Activities: Users must not engage in activities that violate applicable laws.

Publisher Acceptable Use Policy

Ad Transparency for EU End Users

Publishers are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations, including the DSA. Except for those who qualify as micro or small enterprises under the EU Commission’s criteria and are not considered very large online platforms under the DSA, publishers must ensure that, for each specific advertisement presented to each individual EU recipient, those EU end users can clearly, concisely and unambiguously identify, in real time, that the information is an advertisement – including by means of prominent markings.

This requirement fulfills the Ad Transparency obligations under the DSA and helps EU end users identify the advertiser behind each ad. The displayed information is extracted from data provided by the advertiser, who bears sole responsibility for its accuracy.

Information to be Disclosed:

Advertiser’s Information: The name of the natural or legal person or business on whose behalf the advertisement is presented.
Payer’s Information (if applicable): If different from the advertiser, the name of the natural or legal person who paid for the advertisement.

Additionally, other pertinent information about advertisers and ad campaigns will be disclosed to EU end users. This includes meaningful details about the main parameters used to determine the recipients to whom the advertisement is displayed.

Content Restrictions

Content on websites displaying ads must comply with Clickaine’s policies across all categories, including lawful adult categories. The following is prohibited:

  1. Content that infringes on another person’s intellectual property rights, including copyright, patent, and trademark rights.
  2. Promotion of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) or bestiality, including minors or animals in adult or sexual situations, including images, written content, or animations.
  3. Violent or abusive content, content promoting hate or racial intolerance, or content advocating against any individual, group, or organization.
  4. Hacking/cracking content.
  5. Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia.
  6. Excessive profanity.
  7. Content regarding programs that compensate users for clicking on ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites, reading emails, or pay to click or incentivized in any way to click or view advertisements.
  8. Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of webpages.
  9. Sales or promotion of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms, fighting knives, stun guns, etc.).
  10. Sales or promotion of alcohol, tobacco, or any related paraphernalia.
  11. Content containing “revenge porn”, that is sexually explicit media that is publicly shared online without the consent of the pictured individual.
  12. Any other content that is illegal or promotes illegal activity.
  13. Any other content that is false, misleading, or deceptive.
  14. Any file-sharing, torrent websites, or content lockers.
  15. Any pirate websites or websites that promote piracy, specifically those that do not comply with removal requests.
  16. Websites that allow user-submitted content but do not comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or a similar notice and takedown procedure.
  17. Little or no original content, including:
    1. Scraped content. Websites with content taken from high-quality sources or “free article” websites. These are often template or cookie-cutter websites.
    2. Auto-generated content. Websites with programmatically generated content that is confusing or nonsensical to a website visitor.
    3. Doorway websites. Websites designed primarily to boost search engine ranking with little actual content.
    4. Made for ad websites. Websites that primarily consist of only advertisements.
    5. Login to view any content. Websites with landing pages containing only a login or registration form.
    6. Thin affiliate websites. Sites that solely redirect visitors to affiliate programs with minimal original content.
    7. Websites under construction. Blank pages, pages with raw/incorrect coding, or pages that load too slowly.

Invalid Clicks and Impressions

Pageviews and clicks on ads must result from genuine human interest. Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions on ads is prohibited – including repeated manual clicks, use of robots or automated tools, third-party services (such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, or click-exchange programs), or any deceptive software. Clickaine will not pay for any inventory that it believes, in its sole discretion, incentivizes users to click or uses automated means to generate clicks or traffic.

Encouraging Clicks

Clickaine does not allow any of the following methods to artificially generate clicks or impressions:

  1. Encouraging users to click ads using phrases like “click the ads,” “support us,” “visit these links,” or similar language.
  2. Directing user attention to ads by arrows or other graphical gimmicks.
  3. Placing misleading images alongside individual ads.
  4. Promoting websites displaying ads through unsolicited mass emails or unwanted third-party advertisements.
  5. Compensating users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promising compensation for such behavior.
  6. Placing misleading labels above ads (e.g. labeling ads as “Sponsored Links” instead of “Favorite Sites”).

Copyrighted Material

Publishers must not display ads on webpages containing copyrighted material unless they have the necessary rights. In other words, ads must not appear on pages with unlicensed content belonging to a third party.

Website and Ad Behavior

Unless Clickaine authorizes you in writing, you must not alter or manipulate any ads or their standard behavior, including:

  1. You must not alter any part of the code or change the behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads.
  2. Websites displaying ads must not include pop-ups or pop-unders that interfere with navigation, change user preferences, or initiate downloads.
  3. A website or third party must not display ads served by Clickaine as a result of any software application’s actions (including toolbars).
  4. No Clickaine invocation code shall be integrated into any software application.
  5. Webpages containing Clickaine invocation codes must not be loaded by software that triggers pop-ups, redirects to unwanted sites, modifies browser settings, or otherwise interferes with navigation. It is your responsibility to ensure that no ad network or affiliate uses these methods to drive traffic to pages with your Clickaine code.
  6. We do not accept any traffic from ad zones hosted on subdomains.

Ad Placement

Publishers must adhere to the following ad placement policies:

  1. Up to six ad zones may be displayed on each page.
  2. You must not display the same zone more than once on a page; each ad placement must have its own unique zone.
  3. Page elements must not obscure any part of an ad.
  4. Ads must not appear on pages with content primarily in an unsupported language.
  5. No ad zones on non-content-based pages.
  6. No ad zones on pages published solely to display ads, except for interstitial ad zones approved by Clickaine.
  7. All in-player ad zones must include a “Close and Play” button.
  8. You must not place in-player ad zones on videos that do not play.
  9. You must not remove the Clickaine banner container for in-player ad zones.
  10. In-player ad zones must not remain visible while a video is playing.

Advertiser Acceptable Use Policy

Ad Transparency for EU End Users

Advertisers are responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in every location where their ads are displayed, including the DSA. To meet the Ad Transparency obligations under the DSA and to help EU end users identify the advertiser behind an ad, certain information must be displayed. This information is extracted from data provided by the advertiser, who is solely responsible for its accuracy.

Information to be Disclosed:

Advertiser’s Information: The name of the natural or legal person or business on whose behalf the advertisement is presented.
Payer’s Information (if applicable): If different from the advertiser, the name of the natural or legal person who paid for the advertisement.

Furthermore, additional information about advertisers and ad campaigns will be disclosed to EU end users – including meaningful details about the main parameters used to determine the ad’s audience.

Destination and Popunder URLs Guidelines

Advertisers participating on the platform must adhere to the following policies. Please read these policies carefully and refer to this document often. Non-compliance may result in disabled ad serving or account suspension. Clickaine reserves the right to disable any account at any time; if your account is disabled, you will not be eligible for further participation until all issues are resolved. Note that Clickaine may update its policies at any time, and it is your responsibility to stay current.

Image Ads Editorial Guidelines

  1. Ad images must be clear and recognizable.
  2. Text in ad images must be legible.
  3. Keywords in ads must relate to the content on your destination URL.
  4. iFrame ads must not contain any malware or malicious code. Violations will result in immediate account closure without refund.

Popunder Ad Editorial Guidelines

  1. No double popunders.
  2. No java alerts.

Full Page Interstitial Ad Editorial Guidelines

  1. No iFrame breaking.
  2. No popunders.
  3. No java alerts or exit prompts.

Destination URLs Guidelines

  1. The provided URL must work and load within five seconds.
  2. The URL must not contain spaces.
  3. A website cannot link to a blank page, a page with little content, a page dominated by ads, a page under construction, or a page with raw/incorrect coding.
  4. The destination URL cannot use rotating landing pages.
  5. The URL cannot link directly to an executable file or any download that is not user-initiated.
  6. If the landing page promotes and links to an executable file or download, it must accurately describe its contents.
  7. The landing page cannot require a login to view content.
  8. The landing page must not use or promote crypto miners, malware, ransomware, malicious code, or deliver harmful programs.
  9. The landing page cannot engage in any illegal online activities, including phishing, spoofing, or spamming.
  10. The landing page cannot contain pop-up windows (including exit pop-ups, java alerts, or chat windows) that prevent easy exit.
  11. The landing page must not use any copyrighted content, trademarked branding, or imitate any brand without proof of consent (e.g., Google Play Store, Android, Apple).
  12. The requirements to redeem a free offer must be contained within one link on the landing page and be clear, conspicuous, and consistent.

Unacceptable Content

  1. Any sexual content that depicts individuals under 18 or presents them in a way that makes them appear under 18, including computer-generated images, drawings, or sculptures that are virtually indistinguishable from a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.
  2. Any content depicting excessively violent or forced sexual acts (e.g., rape, slapping, torture, urination, defecation, vomiting during sexual activity), sexual acts involving animals, vaginal fist insertion, real or simulated incest, or real or simulated sex with a dead body.
  3. Promoting hacking and cracking sites.
  4. Promoting anti-virus software.
  5. Promoting “cleaner” software.
  6. Fake system notifications or alerts.
  7. Any copyrighted material or its imitation without consent of the copyright owner (e.g., Google Play Store, Android, Apple).
  8. Promoting “revenge porn,” i.e. sexually explicit media that is publicly shared online without the consent of the depicted individual.
  9. Any material offering illegal products or services.
  10. Promoting incentives for online activity (e.g., clicking ads) that artificially enhance website or advertiser metrics.
  11. Promoting violence, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization.
  12. Promoting fake documents, copied material, or paper mills.
  13. Promoting illegal drugs or related paraphernalia.
  14. Sales or offers of weapons, alcohol, tobacco, or any related paraphernalia.
  15. Promotion or attempt to profit from human tragedy or suffering.
  16. Promoting illegal activities.
  17. Promoting gambling or online betting that is targeted to the US (unless authorized in the specific jurisdiction) or in any jurisdiction where such promotion is prohibited or subject to additional conditions.
  18. Promoting prostitution or escort services, or facilitating human or sex trafficking.
  19. “Free” offers with overly burdensome redemption requirements that effectively negate the free nature.
  20. Any link to a website that contains unacceptable content.

Truth in Advertising Guidelines

  1. Advertising placed through Clickaine must not contain false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive claims or content.
  2. Any advertiser found to place ads with false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive content, or that violates Clickaine’s terms of service, will face an immediate and permanent ban. Banned advertisers must not create new accounts or use Clickaine services in any way.
  3. Determination of false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive content is at Clickaine’s sole discretion.
  4. Advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their ads. By placing an ad through Clickaine, the advertiser:
    • Confirms that the ad content is factually accurate;
    • Confirms it has the right to use any intellectual property (video, images, logos, etc.) in the ad;
    • States that the ad is appropriate and accurate for the designated website category, niche, or rating.
  5. The destination website reached via any ad must not link to prohibited content or services.
  6. Advertisers must ensure that all ads comply with “Truth in Advertising” laws.

Transparency, Reporting, and Appeal Process

In compliance with the DSA, Clickaine is committed to transparency and user rights concerning content moderation decisions.

No Active Moderation

Clickaine does not actively monitor and moderate any content published by users on the Clickaine platform. Clickaine also never actively changes such content itself. Clickaine’s decision may only uphold the content (if no wrongdoing is found) or suspend / delete the content (if this AUP, DSA, or other applicable legal regulations are violated).

Clickaine, however, reserves the right to monitor and moderate the content before and after its publication to ensure that such content does not violate the AUP, the DSA, or other applicable legal regulations. At Clickaine’s discretion, content may be published only after such a check has been carried out or may be deleted if such content is already published.

Clickaine may use algorithmic or automated review of the content; however, all final decisions are made strictly by humans.

Notice of Moderation Actions

If your content is removed or your account is suspended, Clickaine will provide a notice within 24 to 48 hours detailing the reason. Users have the right to request an explanation and submit an appeal. In complex cases, this notice period may be extended up to 30 days.

If the user or any third party considers some content published on the Clickaine platform or served through the Clickaine platform to be illegal, they may report it as per the “Reporting AUP Violations” section hereunder. Our portal at enables you to use a form to guide you through the whole process. Once Clickaine receives such report, it will confirm its reception to the notifying person via e-mail.

You take into account and agree that omitting some of the information as required by the form at may result in the notice not being processed due to the lack of necessary information on the Clickaine’s part.

If you decide to use e-mail instead of the form on our website, we ask you to include the following information in your e-mail:

 Your name and surname.
 Explanation why do you consider the content to be illegal.
 Clear identification of the content you consider to be illegal (URL address and, if necessary, additional information enabling the identification of the illegal content).
 Your genuine belief that the information and allegations contained in your e-mail are accurate and complete.

Clickaine will process all the notices which include all the necessary information in a timely, diligent, non-arbitrary and objective manner.

Appeal Process

Users may submit appeals regarding moderation decisions through our support portal. Appeals will be reviewed within five business days, and you will receive a response with an explanation. Only individuals not involved in the original decision will handle appeals. Opposing the decision on appeal is not possible.

Transparency Reporting

Clickaine will publish periodic transparency reports, in compliance with the DSA, detailing:

  1. Moderation Statistics: The number and reasons for content removals.
  2. Appeals and Outcomes: A summary of appeals submitted and their outcomes.
  3. Cooperation with Authorities: Details of any formal cooperation with law enforcement or regulatory bodies, where applicable.

Consequences of AUP Violations

If a violation of this AUP is confirmed, Clickaine may restrict, suspend, or terminate your account and seek recovery for investigation costs. Repeat violations may result in escalating fines up to and including account termination. Termination decisions are final.

Reporting AUP Violations

Anyone can report suspected AUP violations by emailing or through our portal at Clickaine will investigate reports and take appropriate action within 24 to 48 hours.